
July 09, 2014

Reading time ~1 minute

So, this is my first blog post.

First let me introduce myself. My name is Mickael, I’m a student in an Engineering school in Toulouse, France (INSA). I’ve been found of computer science since I was young enough to hold a mouse in my hand, and now, I consider myself as a self-taught android developper. I’m always trying to expand my knowledge, especially in CS, and that’s why I’m opening this blog now.

What to expect?

Around here, I’ll be talking a lot about Android Development. Since I’ve been working on Android for a few years, I’ve started to find some interesting stuff that I could share with you. I’ll also try to share with you the different project I’m working on, and those I worked on a few years ago.

Feel free to follow me on twitter, comment the posts, and share the articles if you like them! :-)


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A French Android Developer. More...

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